Diseases, Conditions and Treatments

What To Do After A Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

Are you told that you snore loudly? If you answered yes to such questions, you may have the condition known as sleep apnea. This can be serious, so you must seek help now.

If you have sleep apnea and drink or smoke, try quitting to improve your symptoms. Both of these bad habits make the airways relax too much, making sleep apnea worse. As an added benefit, keep in mind that ditching these bad habits will put extra money back into your pocket, whereas extensive medical treatments will cost you a great deal.

Your doctor may recommend a mouth guard to help ease the breathing problems associated with sleep apnea. There may be genetic reasons you suffer from sleep apnea. Your airway may be naturally thin or your jaw may interfere with breathing during sleep. You can get better grade rest at night using special devices that make alterations to your sleep positions so you wind up with better jaw alignment and posture.

If you can, shed a bit of weight. Studies have shown sleep apnea and obesity can be related. Therefore, if you are obese, a loss of just 25 pounds can cause a major improvement in your apnea symptoms.

Moderate your alcohol intake. Consuming alcohol causes your muscles to relax too much. Although some people do enjoy this, it can contribute to sleep apnea. Your throat muscles may be affected, causing breathing difficulties. If eliminating it is not an option, cut back and make sure you do it well before bedtime.

If you are using a CPAP machine but having trouble keeping your mouth closed, you should consider using a chin strap. It is only a small fabric strap that keeps your chin in place so you can sleep with a closed mouth. CPAP devices don't work well when your mouth is wide open, so this device can help.

A medical ID is a must for those being assisted by a CPAP machine. If you are in need of medical attention, it is important that the people helping you realize you have sleep apnea and use CPAP therapy. This ID should say that you have apnea, that you use CPAP, and that your machine has to be set at a certain pressure level. Find out more about CPAP in this article: www.sleepingadvisor.com/cpap/

You should take your CPAP machine everywhere you will be spending the night. Do not leave it at home. You should never sleep without using your CPAP machine. The machine you are using should have a travel bag that is padded. You can use it to carry your CPAP easily and safely anytime you leave home.

A good nasal spray can be helpful if you are having trouble breathing. This will dry out the passages and help clear them out temporarily. Avoid using this product for more than a few days because it may irritate the delicate tissues in your nose. Talk to a pharmacist to see which spray they recommend.

You should not have to hide it from others because you are embarrassed if you have to use a CPAP machine. Tell people that this is a necessity, and don't be self-conscious about having to use it in the presence of others. And those who love you will not think any differently of you because you need it; remember that the CPAP machine is necessary for your health.

Sleep apnea can often cause anxiety if this affects you, consider taking a bath before bed every night. A hot bath will reduce your tension and make you feel more relaxed. This should provide you with an easier and faster way to sleep, reducing the chances of sleep apnea interfering and causing misery.

Search for effective treatment options to address your sleep apnea. If you don't seek medical help, your condition is likely to worsen over time. A visit to your doctor is essential to prevent your sleep apnea symptoms from ruining your nightly sleep.

There are throat exercises that can help you get rid of sleep apnea. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles that surround the airway, making them less likely to collapse. For instance, place your tongue on the top of the inside of your mouth and keep it like that for about three minutes. Do this once a day.

If you suspect that you are afflicted with sleep apnea, then you need to schedule a visit to your physician to know for sure. A sleep study is a test that can determine not only if you have apnea but also how severe it is. If you do have sleep apnea, you need to start treatment right away, even if your case isn't that severe.

Try not to sleep on your back with sleep apnea. When you fall asleep on your back, your airways may be more likely to collapse during the night, causing sleep apnea symptoms. Sufferers of sleep apnea should as such, try to sleep on their side.

You might need to get your own custom-fitted mouth guard. These types of oral remedies have shown to make the airways free from obstruction and also help with snoring, which has shown in some instances to be the cause of sleep apnea. The way your jaw is set can sometimes also contribute to the negative sleep apnea symptoms you experience.

Take charge of your life by using these tips to keep your sleep apnea under control.

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