Are you told that you snore loudly? If you answered yes to such questions, you may have the condition known as sleep apnea. This can be serious, so you must seek help now.
If you have sleep apnea and drink or smoke, try quitting to improve your symptoms. Both of these bad habits make the airways relax too much, making sleep apnea worse. As an added benefit, keep in mind that ditching these bad habits will put extra money back into your pocket, whereas extensive medical treatments will cost you a great deal.
Your doctor may recommend a mouth guard … Read more at Joni Sledge Online
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</p><br /><p>The contents of the following paragraphs have a great deal of useful information you can use to combat your sleep apnea.</p><br /><p>Overweight people are more prone to suffering from sleep apnea. If you suffer from sleep apnea and are overweight, try losing a few pounds. Improving the overall health of the diet in combination with an increased level of exercise makes a simple, effective weight loss strategy. Reducing carbs in the diet may also help.</p><br
… Read more at Joni Sledge Online